Thursday, November 27, 2014

thanksgiving eve&thanksgiving day

wednesday morning my thanksgiving break started out right, bright and early up tibblefork canyon with ms. hunter kofford for a sunrise shoot. by 9:30 I found myself cuddled back in bed... it was nap time.

my day followed with some shopping, baking pies and prepping for thanksgiving, talking to my cute grandma while she knitted, work, and catching up with old college friends. simple, busy day, but quite ideal.

thanksgiving was hosted at our home this year, i was in heaven as i spent majority of my day  in the kitchen helping my mom cook and do the dishes. for some reason cooking and cleaning kitchens makes me so happy, maybe it's because the thing i look forward to most in this life is being a wife and mother, and helping out in the kitchen gives me glimpses of that life.

i planned to have lots of pictures to blog, but somehow, i didn't even take one. it could be a good thing right? because my day was filled with good, quality, family time, and my phone and camera didn't need to be present. so i guess i'll try to not be too upset about the lack of photos in this post.

the day ended with a family trip to the movie theater, where we saw meet the Mormons, it brought tears to my eyes as they talked about missionaries, it was the first big family holiday having my sister out on the mission field, which is hard, but overall i couldn't be happier for her.

it's nap time now, so i can prepare myself for the crowds in Victoria secret at midnight, i hope you all had the loveliest thanksgiving day surrounded by loved ones and banana cream pies.

Monday, November 24, 2014


this past weekend was the winter dance company concert.
i'm rewarded so quickly for the endless hours and all the hard work I put into dance every time i step on stage to preform. 

it was such a bittersweet thing considering I'm a SENIOR and it was my last winter concert ever. 

i feel so blessed to share the stage with such beautiful girls.
i'm not only grateful to my heavenly father for giving me the talent of dancing, but i'm also grateful for the amazing girls and the long lasting friendships that have been brought into my life through dance.

i hope you all take the time this week to recognize the talents god has given you and ponder the blessings those talents have brought you, then you should all celebrate your discoveries by sharing those talents! xoxoxo 

Monday, November 17, 2014

pinecones and holly berries

Aside from the first snow fall of the season, last week consisted of endless dance rehearsals, a sore body, sudefed, and 10 and a half boxes of tissues. 
I hoped to stay super bundled and cozy and get a lot of good rest this weekend, unfortunately... I didn't. But it's okay, because every time I find myself shivering and feeling like I'm near cardiac arrest due to my strong cough, I listen to Michael bubles "have yourself a merry little christmas" and my common winter sickness suddenly seems like a privilege. and then I turn on Santa clause is coming to town and I get up and dance - or I walk through Walmart, because it's the holidays and the atmosphere in that place brings me more satisfaction then Walmart should ever bring anyone. 
it's truly the happiest time of the year you guys!!! no matter how cold and tired I've been, I'm embracing it, and I'm loving (just about) every second of it.  
Here's to hoping the next 8 days fly by. holla @ thanksgiving break, I'm anticipating you. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014


i may have an obsession with coloring my hair (the fried ends will testify) but what can i say? change is fun.


 on a different note, monday one of my greatest friends had her 19th birthday, we celebrated with pazookies and Polaroid pictures at the chocolate, happy birthday kels.

Monday, November 3, 2014


somewhere between the candy, the weather, and the overall atmosphere, halloween tends to be one of my favorite days, and maybe that's why I had 4 costume changes this year?
my day started out as it usually does - 6 a.m. drill practice, but don't worry, we got festive in our 80's dance gear.

 then I got to visit my little kindergarten class that I intern for. who decided there didn't need to be halloween parties and a big parade after elementary school? I think even after age 12 we should still get to eat pumpkin cookies and candy corn while decorating haunting houses instead of math.

later was work, when I changed into my Dalmatian costume. somehow I lucked out on getting off at 6, so I had time to trick or treat with baby pais for awhile, paisley was a 'pumpkin princess' and a darling one at that!

my night ended with a big dance party. most girls use Halloween and these dance parties as an excuse to get super sleazy, so me and my friends decided we'd go as polygamists, that may of been the best decision I made all of October.

it was a lovely day, holidays like this make me even more excited to get married and have babies.
i genuinely hope you got a chance to make festive Halloween treats found off of pinterest.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

until next year..

october is officially over... *sigh*
october may just take the cake for my favorite month, typical? yes. relevant? yes. after all, it's the start of the most wonderful time of the year! my days were chilly, and filled with lots of dance, school, work, and not much sleep, but thankfully weekends and fall breaks exsist in this world, so I still got my fair share of fun and relaxing.

here's some photos from my last half of october....  
1. weekend trip to cedar city with dance company for the shakespeare  festival
2&3. the Christmas shopping has officially begun
4&5. fall break at the family cabin with the parents and the two 'babies'
6. hee-haws with the cute kindergarten class I intern for
7. hee-haws with the neice
8&9. halloween (and last ever) football halftime (frowny face) but it may of just been the funnest one yet.
even though october is octOVER (clever right?!) i'm still celebrating, because the holidays can officially begin. and I plan to wear sweat pants and fuzzy socks the whole weekend.