Monday, November 30, 2015

thanksgiving 2015.

thanksgiving was held at my house this year. my mom & i cooked all morning while the boys were at the turkey bowl. once our thanksgiving feast was ready jackson was fast asleep (and not feeling too hot) so dinner was me, my mom, and my dad! ha!
Nicole & Tyler were with their spouses at their in-laws, and Heather was in California visiting a friend, our sweet Lex is in alabama, it's nice to know that we only have one more holiday before she's home with us.
around 6:30 ty and chels came over with their babies. we watched the office, played with the little girls, and spent time together. it was a great and simple thanksgiving. my heart was full of love all day long. i truly have been given so much! 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

hawaii part five.

there was the cutest little beach just walking distance from paradise gardens in keihi (where we were staying) it was almost like a private beach, it was little, slightly "hidden," and there was rarely anyone there. it was gorgeous and made for quite a perfect 'photo shoot' ;) unfortunately, the day we came here to take a bunch of pictures kait wasn't feeling well, so she stayed back to rest. after laying out and playing on the beach we had her meet us at coconuts where we ordered delicious fish tacos for dinner. seriously - SO GOOD!

there you have it guys. my perfect 8 days in hawaii condensed into 5 small posts. no words could do justice describing how great this vacation was. i think i've caught a travel bug, i'm ready for another trip.

p.s. check out that shadow. we're not sure how exactly that happened..... but we couldn't stop laughing!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Hawaii part four.

one of our days in Hawaii was spent on a little day cruise which took us over to lanai harbor for a snorkeling trip. lanai had the prettiest and most perfect waters for snorkeling. on top of the amazing snorkeling, they had a slide that went off the boat and into the water.... i think  me and my friends spent more time on that slide than any other person on our boat did (including children)

after the trip we stopped at McDonalds because we were in all in need of a diet coke run, afterwards we headed to the Ritz Carlton to layout by their pool (and snag a few beach towels because we didn't bring any.) once dinner rolled around we headed out for some pizza, than we spent the rest of the night on Lahaina front street - where there was a party going on. we went to check out the party, however, it wasn't much of a 'party.' there was a crowd of old people sitting on folding chairs watching a band of old people sing crappy music. me and my friends had a grand ole' time dancing like fools in front of the stage. i'm not sure i'll ever spend another Friday night with people my parents age, but it was deffinatly a good experience.

onto another day... one afternoon we had ali (the intern we were staying with) take us to the Wailea mall - where she was headed to for work - at the mall we window shopped for a bit, than headed over to a beach that was close by. like most days, we stayed at the beach until the sun had finished setting. it was a beautiful beach! every beach in maui is beautiful. i continued to be blown away with each and every new beach i went to.

after the sun went down we walked to the island market to pick up some groceries so we could make a late dinner. after we checked it was 6:25, the bus came at 6:30, so we booked it. on our 'run' I tripped on a palm tree and face planted it. i laid on the ground laughing for a few seconds before I got up and started running again. it certainly would've been a few minutes if it wasn't for the adrenaline (and the desperate need to catch the bus.)
at 6:28 - 2 minutes before the bus was suppose to arrive - and 30 yards away from the bus stop, we watched the bus leave without us. bummer. we headed back to the island market to shop around a bit - but not for too long - because we wanted to be sure that we were at the bus stop nice and early. good news: we didn't miss the bus! bad news: we got off a stop too early and had to walk a mile - with our groceries - home. but hey, i was in Hawaii...... so i can't complain ;)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Hawaii part three

the morning after kelsie's birthday we woke up at 3:35 & were in the car by 3:45 on our way to the top of Haleakala. it was a fairly long drive up the "mountain." once we reached the top we piled out to watch the sunrise. my oh my was the early wake up worth it! i have never seen something so beautiful. we were literally above the clouds! as we looked down on the clouds below us we watched as the sun came up through them, breathtaking! i felt like i was in that first scene of Hercules just chillin' with zeus. after the sunrise was over we went back to bed at 8 a.m. and didn't wake up until the day was half over. i have no regrets.

me and my 3 besties with our new bestie drienna. she is one of the interns at del sol & cariloha and i am convinced that we are soul sisters. every second we spent with her we were dying laughing.


one of our days in hawaii we took the bus to kamole beach 111, it was the perfect beach for body surfing because there were big waves. we got taken out by the waves a few times and that may or may not of resulted in us flashing strangers......oops!

^is this awkward enough for ya?! haha. it was a nice attempt at a cute photo^

 we frolicked on the beach until after the sun went down. nothing beats sitting in the water with your best friends having heart to hearts and watching the sun set. our night on kamole beach 111 may of just been one of my favorite memories from this trip.