I blogged a lil' bit about my
birthday /
turning 20. But now 2 weeks later I'm deciding to finally document a bit more about the actual day itself!
I'm notorious for sleeping past my alarms, so I have like 5 alarms set for each day. Plus, that way I can snooze the first few (if they actually wake me) and then I feel like I'm "sleeping in" to an extent. CONFESSION SESSION: I set EXTRA alarms for the day; just to be sure I wouldn't sleep in. I mean I wanted to make sure I had all the time I needed to primp and get lookin' fiiiiinnnnneee on my BIG DAY (I told you... I'm a birthday freak. I don't mess around!! HAHAHA). And you KNOW I washed my hair the night before (because that may only occur once a week.... OOPS! At least I made sure it was clean for my birthday. Amiright?!)

Here's where the real embarrassment comes in, after my first alarm I could NOT for the life of me fall back asleep. I was just too pumped to get them birthday celebrations going. hahaha. I tried hard. I really did! But I was like a little kid on Christmas, so it just wasn't happening. So after laying in bed for a hot minute trying to force the sleep, I finally hopped up and got myself ready. While dancing to all the birthday songs of course.
I worked in the morning, and my cute mama decorated my cubicle. What a sweetie. Thankfully, I was off by 12 so the partying could properly continue.
After work, I got to see my nieces before preschool started for Pais and before Maycie went down for her nap. After that I met up with my sweet friends for pedicures and shopping.
Once I got home my family was at the house waiting for me. Thankfully my nieces were still over and I got to spend some more time with them! We opened presents, and I was sang happy birthday to.
The night ended with the gym, and some dirty dancing. It truly was a rock solid day! I was spoiled by SO many with gifts, and quality time!
Like I mentioned, I make my birthday's a pretty big deal, and the last thing I want is to be sitting around bored. I always have such high expectations and just want the day to be so over the top special. It's honestly like of a curse to love birthday's so much, because you're kind of just setting yourself up for disappointment. But in all honesty, the day was even better then I anticipated! My heart was full, and I felt SO grateful for the friends & family who were willing to take time out of their busy lives to keep me entertained. Even if it meant walking around the mall and trying on clothes. I am incredibly loved and incredibly lucky <3
^^ Putting on my own special fire show for the fam. Lol. ^^
Now another shot of my pretty pretty
pearl ring / child / baby / obsession.
Now may we make year 20 a good one!