trip number one of the summer was a success! it might not seem too excited or like much of a "travel" considering it's just a few hours south - and in the same state that i live in - but it was an absolute DREAM.
it ended up just being mandi and i. we had a whole group that was going to come, and they all bailed last minute. we scrambled and almost went with a bunch of strangers, but it ended up just being us. it was a bit of "bad news" at first when everyone else bailed, but it ended up being a good thing. i wouldn't of traded it for anything else!
we left friday afternoon after work, getting my tires aligned, and a target trip. that night we got into town and had dinner at "peace tree". we shared the most delicious nachos. after dinner we got ice cream cones and ate them as we walked around town and people watched. i was going to forego on the waffle cone, but mandi talked me into it. true friend.
it was such a simple night, but i loved it! it was dark out, but still nice and warm. such a perfect summer evening. it's been so long since i've been to moab, and i fell in love with the little town. i could of walked around forever just people watching and soaking it all in.
around 10 p.m. we headed to arches national park and hiked delicate arch underneath the moonlight. we sat underneath the arch and talked forever. it was the perfect start to our trip.
that night we slept in my car the parking lot below the trail head. we woke up early to heards of people coming in to hike. we drove to a gas station to change and brush our teeth. we then headed to
left hand. it's this pretty hike up to a watering hole. there's waterfalls, cliffs for cliff jumping, and bodies of water to cool off / swim in. we spent many hours up there that day laying out in the sun - i even took a nap up there! some of the hike is hiking through water, i loved every second of it!
after hours in the sun i was exhausted! we went to milts (the cutest hole in the wall burger joint - it looked delicious) and i passed out with my head on the table. afterwards we went to the park and set up cots in the shade. i continued my fat nap there while mandi read and people watched.
that night we went and charged our phones at a cute ice cream (or technically "
cyrocream" - it was the softest, and best thing i've ever tasted)
shop in town. we slept in the car once again. this time in a hotel parking lot.
sunday we drank diet cokes first thing in the morning while charging our phones at mcdonalds. we then hiked back to left hand. after that hike (and spending a few hours at the watering hole) we went to an arts festival. i slept in the grass... after my nap, we hiked to morning glory bridge. we ended the night the same way we started it - drinking diet coke in mcdonalds and charging our phones. we spent one more night in my car, in a new hotel parking lot. we woke up monday morning, and headed home. we left early so we could beat the memorial day traffic, and so i could get home in time for work that night.

it was the most perfect, refreshing weekend! it was SO needed. you know how certain people come into your life, and complete a part of you that you didn't know was missing? that is mandi for me. she's a forever friend, and a human that god knew i needed! not only did we laugh the whole weekend long (and leave moab with a million inside jokes), we also had a lot of deep talks and heart to hearts. i'm forever grateful for this memorial day weekend, and i'm equally grateful for mands.