Sunday, February 3, 2019

Barcelona, Spain - lil' pump tea spilled

spain was where we ended our trip. this is where we had interactions with our second famous rapper of the trip... none other then lil' pump. we knew he was going to be preforming at a club one of the nights, so we had plans to go to the club to see him. well, his manager tweets "Barcelona girls, message me and let's link up". so indy messages him and sure enough he responds with an address. after the show we taxi over there (to lil' pumps hotel). his manager meets us in the lobby and takes us up to the penthouse suit. there's about 12 or so other girls, and a few guys. lil' pump didn't give us the attention we deserved right away, because he was too focused on his big booty hoes. i thought i had a big butt... but those chicks put it to shame. however, lil' pump did love my henna tattoo. he gave THAT attention.

side story: we were at the beach one day and while indy, nicole, and i were off taking pictures....

tristen and jackson tracked down a henna tattoo guy, and decided that everyone got to pick a tattoo to put on my back. for some reason i agreed and this is what i ended up with...

we showed lil' pump and he loved it. he even took a picture of it on his phone. so yeah, lil' pump has a picture of me on his phone now.

anyways, like with playboi, our phones were taken from us in this instance too, but nicole was set on getting a picture of us in the penthouse. she was asking around and found a guy on pumps team that had his phone and was willing to take a picture of us for us, and then he dm'ed it to nicole on Instagram.

 we took the phone from him and took a selfie too.

once we were ready to leave some girl started accusing us of sneaking our phones in and stating she saw us taking selfies in a mirror (which never happened). they searched us and once they were sure there wasn't any phones on us they let us out, and gave us our phones. we walked down the hall and soon enough lil' pump comes stomping out of the suite in his robe and slippers and starts shouting "hey! you in the orange shirt, come here!" (it was me in the orange shirt) and i wasn't even afraid or nervous until i got over by him and he demanded to see my phone and i realized he was angry. he SEARCHED that phone. he started opening my texts and snap chats, he scoured through my deleted photos, he was determined to find pictures and videos that i apparently took in his suite, but i knew there was nothing there for him to find. he even took my phone with him back into his room and then come back out with his security gaurd. the security gaurd was a homie, asked if he found anything, and when he said no he was like "they're good then! you guys can go". as we walked away lil' pump shouted "LEAVE YOU LITTLE BITCH! AND DON'T COME BACK!"

and that's the story of how i lil' pump called me a little bitch. the end.

photo's from the rest of spain:

we had a layover in london and also spent a night there after spain. on our one night in london we ate dinner at mcdonalds and we to a club that had a ball pit, bally ballerson to be exact.

and that was the end of my 3 week europe trip, which was truly life changing. i could write forever about the blessings this vacation brought, but no one wants to read that, so i'll leave it at this.