last week, a friend snuck a kitten in her home, her dad made her get rid of it, me being the cat lover i am, i didn't want it to be taken to the shelter, so i took the kitty into my home.
pais was almost asleep for a nap on our couch when the cat arrived, she was suddenly wide awake, and more excited then ever. she kept giving the kitty big hugs, it was the sweetest.
my mom however..... wasn't thrilled.... at all. she insisted we found a new home for her right away.
not sure how you could reject the most perfect little orange tabby? my mama is crazy!

my friend had named the kitty simba, it seemed fitting, so we decided to keep that name.

i spent the night cuddling and playing with sweet simba, in the morning, i put an add on KSL.
it didn't take long for someone to contact me wanting the kitty, even though simba wasn't in my possession for long, i was already so attached, and so heart broken to give her away.
on my way to drop her off at her new home, we took a lot of selfies.... if you couldn't tell, i was feeling black and white, but lets be honest, when am i not feeling black and white?
she fell asleep on our car ride, and i was so tempted to turn back around home, and lock her in my room forever. i mean look at that little face:(
thanks for gracing my home with your presence sweet simba.
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