friday night my brothers and my dad went camping/hunting, so the girls decided to head to "witches night out." i think paisley was the most excited of all of us, she insisted we called her "lucinda" all night, because that's apparently a witch name. she was THRILLED that we all had witch hats and were playing 'dress up' with her. maycie didn't fully understand what was going on, but she sure was mesmerized and loved the people watching.
we spent a good majority of our night out on the dance floor. the two little girls LOVED the dance party that was going on, they loved "shaking" their little bodies to the music. they tug at my heart strings. after lots of dancing, we window shopped.
little maycie's hair is finally long enough for a little itty bitty pony tail on top of her head. does she not just have the sweetest little face?!
aside from our lovely time at gardener village, the rest of the night was.... eventful. we had a dead car battery which led to us squishing in one car. then while trying to get home and turning into chelsea's neighborhood we had unintentionally turned out of a "check point" don't do that my friends! the cop was sure to track us down (while we were all squished in the one car....EEK) apparently turning out of a check point is a class b misdemeanor, thankfully, we got away with just one ticket for 'improper turn.' after we dropped chels & the littles off, we thought the night was over we were headed just a few minutes down the street before chels called us back asking us to come back over. paisley had thrown up all over everything (all over chels, herself, the bed, the carpet... everything) maycie was freaking out because she wanted to be fed - when i say freaking out i mean crying to the point of gagging... that girl has got LUNGS) chels was trying to get herself & pais cleaned up, as well as calm pais down & maycie down. we were over there in a few minutes to help.
after 'grammy' had changed pais into clean jammies i got the honor of finding her some saltines & apple juice and then cuddling her while she watched OSO. my mom & heather were able to clean up all the throw up while chelsea fed maycie and got in the shower. it's weird how moments like this - although hectic, loud, stressful, and crazy - make me excited to be a mom. i guess i know being a mom will consist of many insane moments - its not just pretty babies dressed in crew cuts looking picture perfect for instagram - it's being thrown up on, having multiple crying screaming children, having messes to clean, ect. although i see how nuts motherhood is, i want nothing more then to be a mama! messes and all.

overall, it was an unforgetable night. i sure love my sisters. (too bad we were missing our sweet lex and our sweet nicole)
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