can you believe it's christmas eve?! i'll be honest, i'm a little heart broken. i think i like the weeks leading up to christmas more than i actually like christmas itself. the feel in the air is truly magical, i love christmas spirit! i feel like these past few weeks i've been so busy and haven't had time to just relax and enjoy the season. a new year resolution of mine is going to be to slow down and really cherish each and every ordinary moment and day. i need to take life in instead rush through it with work and sleep & watching the office on netflix.

one thing i have done this season is appreciate the cold, windy, snowy, bitter weather. i've tried to do at least one thing a day that requires getting bundled and spending more then 30 minutes outside (typically going for a walk around the neighborhood or park, or playing with my dogs)

guys.... it's truly the most wonderful time of the year. i'm so not ready for it to be over. i hope you've all enjoyed this season as much as i have. HAPPY HOLLA-DAYS to all.
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