on january 13th one of my best friends turned 19... not just any best friend but my very first best friend.

me and karina were attached at the hip since before i can even remember, we've been playing together since we were in diapers.

as time has gone on karina & i haven't spent as much time together as we use to in the past; but our friendship hasn't ever change. no matter how long we go without a lunch date or a movie night - we'll still be as close as ever.

one of the best things about our friendship is that there is never drama between us. sure we've had our stingy moments (who hasn't?!) but it's always blows over quickly. we've never had a real fight or argument EVEN through the jr. high and high school, can you believe that? it's been 19 SOLID years of friendship.

for karina's birthday we threw her a little surprise party with pizza, cake, icecream, and lots of friendship. by 'we' i mean a few of us a came up with the idea all together and then kenna (her roomate - who is also doubles of my favorite people EVER) stressed and slaved over the party for the next week. you go kenna!

she was surprised and her apartment was full of pink and gold. it couldn't of been more perfect.
i sure love my sweet, beautiful, talented, lovely, karina. here's to the many more years of friendship come.

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