Tuesday, February 2, 2016

an example and a light.

i never set new years resolutions and i think that's because everything i want to "do" "become" or "accomplish" i am always already working on. it would be silly to get the thought "i need to spend more time serving those around me" and then decide that i'll start serving others in 3 months once it's finally 2016; there's just no need to 'put off' the things that matter to you. so there i sat in relief society (it still hasn't hit me that i'm actually in relief society.... weird stuff! i'm too young for that) on January 3rd 'resolution less'. our lesson was on the talk "Be an Example and a Light" By President Thomas S. Monson; i read over the talk as the lesson was being taught & suddenly it struck me - i need to pattern 2016 off of this talk.

a few quotes, lines, and words that really stuck with me:

"we become examples of believers by living the gospel of Jesus Christ in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. as we do so our lights will shine for others to see"

"i am confident there are within our sphere of influence those who are lonely, those who are ill, and those who feel discouraged. ours is the opportunity to help them and to lift their spirits"

"the Savior brought hope to the hopeless and strength to the weak. as we emulate His example, we will bless lives, including our own"

i know that each of us have opportunities to shine and help others around us each and every day. this talk is a good reminder that in order to shine we need to have the Holy Spirit & Christs light with us daily.

since i'm not great with resolutions, i'm going to start having yearly "themes" my "theme this year is to help others by being a light and an example. i love how nie nie speaks about new year resolutions (found here); instead of setting resolutions or goals she makes commitments. along with my theme i am committing to speak kindly about those around me. i am committing to be charitable, loving, & faithful. i want others to have positive uplifting feels when they're around me; i want to help others see their worth. i know that as i focus on seeing the best in others, avoiding gossip - and helping others to do the same - i won't just bless the lives of my acquaintances, i'll be blessing my own life.

this talk was from october 2015 general conference and can be found here.

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