Back in the BEGINNING of August (holy slacker amiright?) my sweet sweet granny bird turned 90 years old. 90! All I've got to say is that she's still rockin' it. She lives alone, still mows her lawn (by choice) works in her garden everyday, and goes on walks frequently. She's probably the most active 90 year old this world has ever known. She's a go-getter and hates being idle or sitting around.

Her older sister just barely moved into assisted living and she's 98! Talk about amazing genes.
We threw a big party for her with all her family, friends, and loved ones. Since this sweet grandma of ours is Australian, we had kangaroo and koala bear sugar cookies (which were so cute and I wish I had snapped a photo of them) and a cake with "Kangaroo Paws" (an australian flower) decorated on the front of it. She was so excited to have things from "home" all around her party.
No one makes my heart so happy or completes my life so fully. She raised 8 kids (7 of which were boys; how she kept her sanity we don't know.) My sweet grandma has always been such a treasure to me, she brings a light to my life that no one else could duplicate. There's many reasons why she's one of my absolute favorite humans, but the most important of them all is that she taught my mom (by example) how to be a near-perfect mother. My mom is one of my greatest blessings on this earth; and she is a bi-product of her own mother. She certainly learned from the best. Happy birthday cute cute grandma.
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