Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Haylee turns 19.

Just 5 days before my birthday one of my dearest friends Haylee had HER birthday. We've been doing a whole bunch of celebrating. 

We got together for a celebratory lunch and shopping. 

Hay & I have lived in the same neighborhood for as long as I can remember. She's a year younger then I am, so I was never in her church or school classes, but for SOME reason we hated each other in elementary school. Once we were both in Young Woman's we blinked, and before we knew it we were beehives recking wreacking at mutual and girls camp. I'm so glad our relationship 180'ed. Even if it's gotten us into some serious trouble. 

We ended up dancing on the same team together in High school, and our relationship has just continued to grow ever since. I love this girl and I'm so grateful for everything she brings into my life. 

And some pictures of me and Kater at the birthday gathering.... just for good measure. 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Easter Sunday 2017

I already posted a little bit about Easter 2017 right here. 
My day was a relaxed one. It was spent at church, with family, and with a deep feeling of peace and gratitude in my heart!

Add a tulip printed dress + purple lipstick + pastel earrings + cherry blossoms to the equation. Easter to it's finest. 

Heather and I tried to drag the rest of my sisters out to take Easter photo's in the front yard. They refused. What butt's. 

Isn't Heather the #1 BABE of all babes?! 

Happy Easter my loves; from Heather and I in our Easter best, to you all <3 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Yesterday I turned 20 years old - I beat teen pregnancy!!! 

And would you look at this beautiful pearl ring I was gifted?! When my mom turned 20 her mother gave her a pearl ring for her birthday; so my mom started giving her daughters pearl rings for their 20th birthdays! I'm pretty smitten. 
It was such a special day filled with such special people. I felt so loved all the day long! Which is how all birthday's should be. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Heartache into Hope.

Happy Easter! 

I shared this post last easter; the quote in there has continued to be my favorite Easter quote yet. Sunday will come. What peace that thought brings.
I think last year was the first year that I really fully embraced the special significance, and meaning of Easter. I think the reason I was able to fully embrace it is because I was a Primary teacher, and had to teach the Easter Sunday lesson to a bunch of cute 6 year olds. In fact, Easter Sunday last year was my very first Sunday with that new calling. It was the perfect week to start! As I read and prepared the lesson my heart was so full, all this holiday really means and stands for really hit me. 

At the beginning of this year I was released as a Primary teacher and was called as a Nursery worker. Here we are in April, where I was released as a Nursery helper and recalled as a Primary teacher. Yesterdat - Easter Sunday - was my first lesson with my brand new class. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to be back in Primary. Especially to start back with such a sweet lesson once again. Yesterday when I walked into the sharing time/singing time room all the children were singing "I am a Child of God". I held back the tears as I was so overwhelmed with the spirit that filled the room. There is something so special about young children. They have a way to carry the spirit with them everywhere they go. 

As I taught the lesson to my brand new class the spirit continued to fill my heart. I could tell how receptive each child was. They were fully engaged and listening to every word I said. I hope they felt the truth that I felt. I hope the words and message I shared with them touched their heart in a way they'll always remember. 

"He lives, my kind, wise heav'nly Friend.
He lives and loves me to the end.
He lives, and while he lives, I'll sing.
He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King."

How grateful I am that HE LIVES. And he offers the only true peace that this world has to offer.

Moving out.

Sadly, we aren't talking about me moving out (actually.. that's not sad. I love living at home... but it'll be time soon considering i'm almost 20 now ;) ). Here's the sad part.... we're talking about MY BABIES moving out *gasp*
 Coming home from work to this sight was the SADDEST thing. Yeah I knew the big U-Haul would be there when I got home, it wasn't a surprise; BUT, it was still heartbreaking. 

Once the truck was all loaded we piled in our cars and made the drive to Santaquin.
My older brother and his sweet girls moved in with us at the very beginning of last February. They had originally planned to buy a home and move out the following summer, but once they got looking at houses they realized there wasn't anything that they just loved; so they decided to build! The building finally started happening in October. Here we are 6 months later watching them close and helping them get all moved in.

 While we unloading the big truck the girls played on their bikes in their brand new driveway. 

 Paisley is such a great helper! She actually did more "moving" and "unloading" then bike riding. She got to carry a bunch of her toys into her new toy room and she was thrilled!

And it wasn't long before Maycie had found a pink dress and was dancing barefoot in the empty U-haul truck. This girl and her dresses! She has this one specific pink dress that she begs to wear every. single. day. She throws the saddest fits when it's dirty and in the wash. 

 Check out those filthy feet! 

Thankfully my car was in need of an oil change, so the very next week I made another trip down to Santaquin for my brother to change the oil while I played with his girls ;) We'll be finding reason to visit every chance we get! Driving away that night and saying goodbye was the saddest. It's really only a 45 minute drive, so we all might be a little dramatic as we're acting like they are in a new state. We're just too use to having them with us every single day! 

So happy for these dearies, even though we miss the heck out of them already!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

The remainder of California.

Sleeping in, shopping, sunshine, & best friends. What more could you want?!
 ^^Salty hair and homeless lookin' outfits. Nothing stopping us! hahaha, we couldn't stop laughing at ourselves.
This was a trip for the books.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Fab 4 + 3 Arch Bay.

One afternoon was spent on 3 arch bay. A private beach on Laguna (we got them hook ups). It was BEAUTIFUL. Sadly, it wasn't warm enough for real swimming - and was actually a little bit chilly. 
My Kelsie and I. 

 Beach pictures for daaayyysss. Let's be honest, I'm just trying to show off my cute swimmie. Is anyone else guilty of this?! Wearing a cute outfit (or swimsuit) and thinking "I need to get a picture wearing this so everyone will think i'm so styling!" (insert laughing crying emoji). Part of me is sad to admit that (because it's pathetic), but the other part of me is just sad for the people who can't admit it, because WE ALL DO IT. I promise. 

 The fab 4. Together on a trip once more! We designated ourselves "the fab 4" after the 4 of us went to St. George together for the big baseball tournament our school holds down there each year. Our next "fab 4 trip" was Hawaii (which might not ever be topped). 

While we were in California all of our phones/time hops kept reminding us that it was these exact days EXACTLY 3 years ago that we were in St. George together. THE MEMORIES. The nostalgia was REAL. We decided that we need to keep this going. Every single year! Wether our getaway is park city, St. George, Hawaii, Europe, Japan, or anywhere in-between; we need to keep these "vacations"/"get aways" an on going tradition!