Monday, April 17, 2017

Heartache into Hope.

Happy Easter! 

I shared this post last easter; the quote in there has continued to be my favorite Easter quote yet. Sunday will come. What peace that thought brings.
I think last year was the first year that I really fully embraced the special significance, and meaning of Easter. I think the reason I was able to fully embrace it is because I was a Primary teacher, and had to teach the Easter Sunday lesson to a bunch of cute 6 year olds. In fact, Easter Sunday last year was my very first Sunday with that new calling. It was the perfect week to start! As I read and prepared the lesson my heart was so full, all this holiday really means and stands for really hit me. 

At the beginning of this year I was released as a Primary teacher and was called as a Nursery worker. Here we are in April, where I was released as a Nursery helper and recalled as a Primary teacher. Yesterdat - Easter Sunday - was my first lesson with my brand new class. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to be back in Primary. Especially to start back with such a sweet lesson once again. Yesterday when I walked into the sharing time/singing time room all the children were singing "I am a Child of God". I held back the tears as I was so overwhelmed with the spirit that filled the room. There is something so special about young children. They have a way to carry the spirit with them everywhere they go. 

As I taught the lesson to my brand new class the spirit continued to fill my heart. I could tell how receptive each child was. They were fully engaged and listening to every word I said. I hope they felt the truth that I felt. I hope the words and message I shared with them touched their heart in a way they'll always remember. 

"He lives, my kind, wise heav'nly Friend.
He lives and loves me to the end.
He lives, and while he lives, I'll sing.
He lives, my Prophet, Priest, and King."

How grateful I am that HE LIVES. And he offers the only true peace that this world has to offer.

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