Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Halloween 2015

halloween is one of my all time favorite holidays(...i think i say that every holiday...) i just love all holidays! i think that's because my body remembers things better then my mind does and there's just something about the atmosphere and the feeling in the air on holiday's that i associate with such good memories. long story short, holiday's make me a happy person.

me and my cute mama both work at doterra together and so we decided to tag team our costume this year. we went as little bo peep and the lost found sheep. we'd been planning on this costume for awhile, but being the procrastinators that we are we put off getting our costumes ready until about a week before halloween day. majority of last week i spent all my free time hot gluing cotton balls onto a vest and a beanie for my mama's sheep costume. i ended up being quite proud of how it turned out, isn't my mom the cutest?

the little bo peep costume didn't take as much effort as the sheep costume. the main part of the costume (the dress) was all ready to go! it was an old dance costume that i wore when i was in the 4th or 5th grade....(did i just admit that?! yikes!)

i wore this dress when i was a little mademoiselle in the nutcracker. i was happier then you could imagine getting to walk under the giant dress being worn by the man on stilts. i wore this costume again in 7th grade for halloween when i was a 'princess' so this dress has continued to serve a lot of purposes. i'm excited for my little girls to play dress up in it someday.

i borrowed everything else from friends, attached a few ruffles around the bottom of the bloomers, and was ready to go. 

me and "my team" at work.

my mom and her cute preschool class at their halloween party.

friday night i went to a dance party at the village, friday overall felt a lot more like halloween, probably because that's when everyone actually had school/work. saturday my mom made creamy chicken noodle soup (tradition) and i helped passed out candy, later that night i went to a dance party on provo center street. both parites i opted for something a little more feasible to dance in then my little bo peep costume, all black, devil horns, and red lipstick it was!

last but not least the cutest cowgirl, cat, and cow you ever did see.

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