Wednesday, August 19, 2015

long distance best friends.

 me and 3 of my bestest bestest friends call ourselves the "fab-4" because some of the biggest lunatics, but we're pretty dang hilarious. when the four of us are together, it's always an adventure. 
2 of us four left last weekend to alaska for a job internship. in 6 weeks, they'll transfer from alaska to hawaii, and that is where they'll stay until january.

a couple weeks ago, doterra had a work party (where both me and chlo work) the party was held at 7 peaks, and each employee was able to bring one guest, so naturally -with the fab-four only having a few days left togther in the same state- we took kait and kels.

from the car wreck on the way to seven peaks, to stopping in the middle of cave-in together (which resulted in some injuries....oops!) it was a really great night. 

as if the day hadn't already been eventful enough, on the way home we decided to stop at the gas station to purchase a car wash. we didn't use  to car wash to clean our car, we used it as a giant 'shower'  for US to sing and dance in. afterall, we were already in our swim suits, so why the heck not?!
running around in an "active" car wash was incredibly terrifying, but easily one of the funnest things i've ever done.

later that week, we decided to have one last fab-four sleepover. that night we stayed up all night long doing  'secrative' fab-four type things (I promise, it was all super hilarous stuff.)
eventually we were tired, so we went back to kelsie's, put on some cheap face masks from walmart, and watched endless love (which may or may not be the most awful movie ever.) but we had a good laugh at the forced plot and terrible acting.

early last week, kaitlyn and kelsie held a little "fare-well party" so a bunch of people could stop by, eat some smores around a fire, and say goodbye to them. i went knowing (or at least thinking) it would see them again later in the week considering they didn't leave for 5 more days, and they're my best friends.
sadly, that week got super busy super quick. friday afternoon, i left for my cabin spur of the moment, while they were still up in salt lake training. as i drove off to my cabin and realized i wasn't going to get an "official goodbye," i got really emotional. but i eventually decided that it was probably a little blessing in disguise, because i'm not sure how i could actually give them a hug knowing it was the last for a few months.

i'll miss these two. i can't wait for when me and chlo visit them in Hawaii in a few months.

 however, i'm sure hawaii 'can wait,' because man, after a few months with the fab-four seperated..... we might just tear up the place ;)

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